Friday, June 29, 2012

Wassup Wassub?

Earlier this week I had an opportunity to try Wassub Asian fusion sandwiches.  I actually intended to try Phonation but quickly learned Rachel is preparing pho in the same way she did for the month last summer she owned Phonomenon: pre-cooked beef.  You may recall (see bottom under Closed) I thought her broth was awesome but couldn't get past the beef being pre-cooked rather than the more traditional way with thin, raw slices which get cooked by the hot broth.  Pho Junkies is doing it the later way, plus the Junkies have far more protein options yet doesn't have the exceptionally flavored broth.  (At least what it was last year.) 

So instead I grabbed a Sweetie Habanero from Wassub -- a sandwich I'd been wanting to try since I realized it had pineapple.  What's the good, the bad, and the ugly?  Let's go backwards.  The ugly: unfortunately, I think that pineapple I was excited about was canned, plus I could only find a couple small chunks.  Please use fresh to avoid that "tin-y" taste.  The bad: ok, so maybe it's not bad bad, but the "Why Wassub is better than sex" poster is full of lame jokes which may not be appropriate for the population en masse.  I think I have a reasonably decent sense of humor and definitely know how to tell a raunchy joke (in the right setting) so guess I just don't get why it's there.  Next, the good: the roasted chicken was adequately moist and it was well complimented by the ham and cheese.  And the roll, while not particularly unique, was fresh and light.  Now, the really good: Hottie Sauce!  When I asked for extra, the guy at the window gave me a look and cautioned me, "It's really hot, so be careful."  I didn't personally find it as hot as I think he thought it was, but it had great flavor and really brought the sub all together.  An orange colored, slightly creamy blend of a little sweet and a nice bit of heat.  Without the sauce, this would have been a 2.5-3 honker, but as served the sub worked at 3.5 honks.  Even though I'd passed by this truck many times previously, I'll for sure be back soon.  As a note to the proprietors, I would be very excited if the contents of this sub were put in a bowl as a salad for I think that hottie sauce would make a really interesting salad dressing.